Key to providing functionality to the web part is that the screens involved in any host application be recorded using one of the available recorders, imported to Flynet Studio and then mapped using one of the available mapping techniques.
The navigation from the starting screen through to any screens that are to be used in the web part must be recorded, along with the screens to be scripted or displayed as enhanced web pages.
Online Videos
•Recording Workflows with Recorder 2.0
•How to make a recording of an application
For this step, Flynet Viewer Studio is required. The following links introduce Flynet Studio and how to get started with your first project.
Online Videos
•Setting up a Solution and Project in Viewer Studio
Each of your recordings are imported into Flynet Studio--this creates a name for each unique screen along with the text used to uniquely identify (recognize) that screen in the Flynet runtime.
Online Videos
•Setting up a Solution and Project in Viewer Studio
Which screens do you map?
1.You map any screen that has fields that you want to script with (used to read/write to/from SharePoint resources). Typically, the Screen mapping wizard (links below) would be used presuming you have many fields to map.
2.You also map any field on a screen that is used for navigation where the field is a keyVariable. A keyVariable is a field that is used in navigation and uniquely identifies navigation after the current screen is entered. A common example would be the customer number used to index into an inquiry on that customer's open balance. If only a few data fields are to be mapped on a screen, the Direct Fieldmap Creation technique linked below is recommended.
3.If you are enhancing screens, then you will want to use the Screen Mapping Wizard (links below) to map not only the fields but also the labels and Title, so that these elements can be generated to the ASP.NET User Interface application created during the generation phase.
•Mapping Wizard: Signon Screen
•Mapping Wizard: Simple Screen
•Mapping Wizard: Multi-row Screen