HTA (Html Application) Access
NOTE: HTA Access is uncommon and only works on Windows Platforms. HTA support is in this version of Flynet Viewer for compatibility but is not generally recommended for new users...
To access your Flynet Viewer emulation for the first time, you will need a Universal Resource Locator, or URL as provided by the server administrator. This can come to you in a variety of ways, including e-mail or as a link on a web page.
An example of a URL for a server at the company "UrBank" might be:
Note that if the server is dedicated to providing Flynet Viewer emulation access, the above URL can be set as the default for the server, in which case the URL might look like:
Regardless of the provided URL, you can either click on it if received on a web page or in an E-mail, or key it directly into the browser address line and press the enter key.
Before the SCTerm.hta page first loads in your browser, you may see the following warning:
This is standard for HTA files-- at this time, you can chose to simply Open the file and proceed, or you can Save the file to your desktop.
If you chose to Save the file, you will then need to locate it on the desktop (or the folder where you saved it), and double-click to run it. Once saved, if you launch the SCTerm.HTA file from your local hard drive, you will no longer see the warning, which is only displayed when running the HTA file from a Web Server or Network Drive.
Note: When saving HTA files to local storage, some fonts may become unavailable for use. If this is the case, you need to use the Courier New font, or install the desired font locally (by copying the TTF file to your system's FONTS folder)
Once you are past the warning (or saved and then launched the HTA file), you should see the following startup screen:
Soon after this screen is displayed, the first host screen should appear. The test host server at will display the following as the first host screen:
Note that there are no browser menus or icons with the HTA approach...for many users that simply are accessing a terminal session with no other browser integration or navigation, the HTA approach provides an excellent environment for a Flynet Viewer Session.
Now that your emulator is running, you should continue reading the other sections in this chapter in order to learn how to use your Flynet Viewer Terminal Emulator.