Flynet Studio Code Generation Properties

CodeGenVersion (Web Service Projects Only)

CodeGenVersion (Web Service Projects Only)

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CodeGenVersion (Web Service Projects Only)

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As the use of the Web Service generator introduced new challenges, particularly in the area of complex transactions, the Flynet development team recognized the need for a few new approaches in the code that was generated.


To accommodate this need, a new Finite State logic engine design pattern was employed in order to produce code that could be modified at a far more granular level.  This also allowed the team to implement more complex operations in the code, including AutoSelect on multirow drilldown maps.




Original (2006)

Generates modules using the original templates.  For existing projects, this is recommended to avoid excessive code merges (unless you have not modified your code but intend to...otherwise keep it the same!)

Finite State Logic (2008)

For new projects, this option is highly recommended.  It produces cleaner code that is easier to read and modify.


In addition, there are a number of screen constructs that will work without modification, such as list screens that are auto-select (ideally), which the Finite State logic generator handles very well.