Flynet Studio Code Generation Properties

IncludeDataSetCreation - Boolean

IncludeDataSetCreation - Boolean

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IncludeDataSetCreation - Boolean

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When set TRUE, a static method is generated to create a standard DataSet of the returned object.  This can then be used when the client for a Web Service can process DataSet returns better than complex objects.


If you would like to return a DataSet instead of a complex object in a web service, set this property to true and then in your ASMX.CS module, move the corresponding method signature to the custom region (and turn-off generation in the ASMX).  After moving the method, change the return type to DataSet in the method signature, and at the end of the method, instead of returning the custom Info object, use the task.GetInfoDataSet([TaskName]Info info) to convert the active Info object to a DataSet, which can then be used in the return statement.


Default: false