Flynet Studio Code Generation Properties



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This property provides a simple text editor where each line of the text represents a named parameter override.


To use this, first generate your Task as a test, Logic view or in a web service, and if the published parameters are not quite what you would like, you can, with this property:


Hide a Parameter from the Web Method and Set a fixed Literal Value


This is a simple line, with the name of the parameter you are hiding on the left of an equals sign, and the value you wish to set on the right inside quotes:


PolicyAction = "22"


Convert a single Parameter to multiple parameters combined along with optional literal values


This line is similar to composite values used in navigation composite types, and replaces them in situations where no single composite template is appropriate.  The following will replace what would have been published in the web method as "Transaction" with two parameters, "DLNumber" and "VendorNumber".  The result will prefix the text "DTR1/" to the two values and set into the variable named "Transaction" that otherwise would have been set with the value from the parameter.


Transaction = DTR1/[DLNumber][VendorNumber]