Flynet Studio Code Generation Properties

SimHostContextSupport - boolean

SimHostContextSupport - boolean

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SimHostContextSupport - boolean

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When set TRUE, code is generated in the ASMX.CS file for this task to read Web.config entries designed to synchronize test cases with the Simulated host.  You can ignore this setting if you do not use the Simulated host for testing, or if the host application used to generated the active Simulated Host scripts has simple and consistent navigation.


Web.config entries used are:




Use the Test case XML files generated in Flynet Viewer Studio into the TestCases Flynet folder to obtain the specific entries for the test cases you will use.  For a test case, when opened, the Parameters element (top level document element) has two attributes, recordingName and entryContexts that can be copied and pasted into your web.config using the above format.


Example, for a Task named "EnterAccount":


         <add key="EnterAccountContext" value="Insure.rec:PolicySelect[15]"/>



Installation note: the FVTestCases.dll which is part of the Flynet Viewer Studio installation must be present on a server where the SimHostContextSupport is active.  FVTestCases.dll may be found on a developer machine at c:\program files\flynet\viewer\studio\bin and should be copied to the same folder on a runtime server.


FVTestCases.dll may be freely copied to a server running the Flynet Viewer Emulation service without further restriction on use.