Flynet Studio Code Generation Properties

WebDeploymentProject (boolean)

WebDeploymentProject (boolean)

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WebDeploymentProject (boolean)

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Will create a Web Deployment Project for superior management of deployment to a target web server (requires optional web deployment feature to be installed for Visual Studio.


Note: when selecting WebProjectType = Web Application, you should NOT choose this option, as the Web Application project has superior deployment and packaging options.


Visual Studio 2005

Visual Studio 2005 Web Deployment Project Information:

Visual Studio 2005 Web Deployment Project Download:


Visual Studio 2008

Visual Studio 2008 Web Deployment Project Information and Download


Visual Studio 2010

Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Project Information and Download Link:


Visual Studio 2012

Visual Studio 2012 Web Deployment Projects are not supported in Visual Studio 2012--they are now part of the web application project.  For more information see: