Flynet Studio Code Generation Properties

WebMethodsType (selection)

WebMethodsType (selection)

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WebMethodsType (selection)

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Enables generating either the ASP.NET traditional ASMX web service module or generate as a WCF Service module enabled for multiple calling styles. To enable calling your web methods from a Javascript client using AJAX and JSON, select WCF MULTIPLE...


This option is ignored if you generate for a .NET framework below 3.5 or for a version of Visual Studio below VS2010.





Generate ASMX and ASMX.cs modules in a class that inherits from the ASP.NET System.Web.Services.WebService class.


Generate SVC and SVC.cs modules in a class defined as a WCF class hosted in the ASP.NET environment.  The web.config file will have WCF attributes generated to correspond with each Task method defined in this module.    When this option is set, child Task objects for this TaskModule can be set to be GET or POST style requests using the WcfRequestType property on an individual task basis.


Note that the Flynet Studio templates for the web.config and the individual methods will generate for multiple endpoints and protocols, enabling your Task methods to be called using the secure WCF Services protocol, XML REST or JSON REST (generally using an RPC style, but REST is used to correspond to the commonly used terminology for the calling styles).


For calling agents wishing to utilize the REST endpoint, the HTTP "content-type" header will determine the style of entry and response, with "application/json; charset=utf-8" used for JSON call/responses and "application/xml; charset=utf-8" used for XML call/responses.