Flynet Viewer .NET Programmer's Reference

mapToXML Method

mapToXML Method

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mapToXML Method

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Return the specified map and screen data in XML format.


String HostScreen.mapToXML(String mapName);

String HostScreen.mapToXML(int mapIndex);

String HostScreen.mapToXML(String mapName, int rowIndex);

String HostScreen.mapToXML(int mapIndex, int rowIndex);






 Required. HostScreen object.



 Required. The name or index of the map.


 Required. If the map is for a multi-row screen specify the rowIndex (base of zero).




This method is useful when the screen and its data are needed in XML format. A map has to be defined in the screen definitions file.  The mapToXMLAsRowSet bool controls the schema of the generated XML.


For example, if the screen map is defined as:


<FieldMap name="default">

<Field name="UserProfile" row="22" column="23" length="8"/>

<Field name="Password" row="22" column="53" length="8"/>



If the screen's text at row 22, column 23 is "Simmy", the mapToXML method would return:


If mapToXMLAsRowSet = FALSE:


<UserProfile writeKey="L_22_23_8">Simmy</UserProfile><Password writeKey="L_22_53_8"></Password>


If mapToXMLAsRowSet = TRUE (carriage returns added for readability):



         <Column writeKey="L_22_23_8"><Name>UserProfile</Name><Value>Simmy</Value></Column>

         <Column writeKey="L_22_53_8"><Name>Password</Name><Value></Value></Column>



Note that the writeKey attribute is only added for write-capable fields and provides information for any client regarding the write attributes of the field.  The writeKey starts with L or R, for Left justified or Right justified and is followed by Row, Column and Length, separated by the underscore character.




Flynet Viewer


See Also




Applies To: HostScreen object


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