Flynet Viewer .NET Programmer's Reference

setDisplay Method

setDisplay Method

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setDisplay Method

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Set the value of a protected field, or any area of the screen


void setDisplay(int row, int column, String value);

void setDisplay(int offset, String value);





 Required. HostScreen object.



 Required. The offset position on the host screen.


 Required if not offset form. The row number on the host screen.


 Required if not offset form. The column number on the host screen.


 Required. The text string to display in the specified location of the screen





The setDisplay method is intended for use in a terminal emulation environment when modifications to the screen display data is needed at the server.  For example, database reads can be used to modify displayed data when a list from the host is incomplete based on departmental requirements.


This method will not write starting at an attribute on a formatted display; if the offset or row/column is on top of an attribute, the write will occur one character to the right of the requested position.  After the first position, no further check for any attributes on the display will occur (attributes will be written over).


Note - When used in conjunction with setAttribute Method


When used with the setAttribute method, in order to properly use the attribute created with setAttribute, you must specify the same offset or row/column for the setDisplay as for the setAttribute.  As mentioned above this will move your text one position to the right of the requested position.


This method works for both formatted (5250/3270 and unformatted (VT) displays.




Flynet Viewer


See Also


setAttribute | mappedSet | putKeys | putCommand | paddingMode | paddingChar | setText


Applies To: HostScreen object


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