Host address and connection type

In the fourth section of this chapter, you will be configuring your host connection.


Before you get to that step, however, you need to verify the type of connection you will need, as well as the address of your host.


The simplest way to do this is to open the configuration for a working emulator and write-down the settings prior to working on the Flynet Viewer configuration.  Most emulators have a menu option for setting the connection type and options and this is an excellent source of information.


The following information is required for ensuring a correct connection:


Host address-- either in straight IP numbers, such as or in DNS name such as

Connection Type: TN3270, TN3270E, TN5250 or TNVT (VT100 emulation over telnet)

Terminal emulated, such as a 3278-2 (model number).  If this isn't available, at least know if your host supports an "alterative screen display" such as a 132 column or 43 line display.


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