View the Test Host Session

Now it's time to test successful operation of the Administration Emulator--


Click on the session started in the prior step and select the View option (as in Viewing a Session).


You should see the first screen (produced by the "Insure" script for Screen Simulator), which is a simulated insurance account management application.  For detailed information on this script, see Custom Script Sample- Insure.  Following is a "quick run through" on testing the Screen Simulator default Insure application.


The first screen is for the logon sequence with "M U L T X T E R M / X M S" displayed starting at row 2, column 27.


To logon and test the emulation:


1.Key Simmy and press [enter].
2.The next screen will have "Info Access Direct" at row 2, column 28
3.Key 2 and press [enter]
4.The next screen will have "Signon for SICS/ESA" starting at row 1, column 25
5.Key simmy [tab] host then press [enter] (UserID=Simmy, Password=Host)
6.The next screen will have "DFHCE3549 SIGN-ON IS COMPLETE" at row 1, column 1
7.Press the [esc] key, which is the 3270 CLEAR key in the Administrator's Emulator
8.Next will be a blank (clear) screen with a single entry field on line 1
9.Key info and press [enter]
10.Finally!  Logged-on and a account selection screen is displayed...but that is a typical logon for many systems...
11.At this point, we're done testing--use the F3 to back-out, or simply:
12.Close the emulator window using the Close (X) icon in the upper left.


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