Flynet Viewer Studio 2016 Help

Helper Assembly Generation Dialog

Helper Assembly Generation Dialog

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Helper Assembly Generation Dialog

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Location the the actual assembly DLL will be compiled to if the CompileAfterGeneration property is True.  Note that the OutputFile property provides a File Save dialog and will automatically change this property, so the OutputFile property is easier to make changes to.


Should the definition xml file be generated any time the IOHelper is generated?  This is a good idea, since the two need to be kept in careful sync.


The name of the ScreenIO class that provides the ability to easily read and write any screen in your project


If True, the .NET c# compiler will be run following generation to create the assembly dll


Select the version of the .NET Framework you are developing with


Set to the namespace you would like the contents of the IO helper module to be declared under


The name and location of the c# module being generated.  This property provides a File Save dialog icon


The template provided by Flynet that performs the generation of the c# module--you would generally not change this, but if you have copied and modified the original, you can point to your new version using this property.