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MultiRow (boolean)

MultiRow (boolean)

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MultiRow (boolean)

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If the map being defined is for a multi-row field set, select yes to indicate the multirow attribute.  Multi-row maps are for recurring sets of fields that are the same on two or more logical rows.


When defining a multirow fieldmap, you should only define fields in the first logical row.  Most multirow field maps will have only one physical row per logical row, but in some circumstances more than one physical screen row may be used to represent a data / logical row.  In either case, only define a field once, in the topmost data or logical row.


When the Multirow property=yes, when you swipe the mouse in the work area to define a new field, the name of the field will be derived from text above the field instead of to the left of the field which is the default source.


The multirow attribute is useful for documentation and is also utilized by code generators as well as triggering the display of additional extension properties related to MultiRow Fieldmaps.

"#hmcontent",window.parent.document).ready(function() { var doTogJump=setTimeout("toggleJump()", 0); });