Flynet Viewer Studio 2016 Help

Properties Panel

Properties Panel

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Properties Panel

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The Flynet Studio Properties Panel is an extended Properties Grid with enhanced tabbing and support for the Help (F1) key. At any time, you can press the F1 key in the Properties panel to see help on the property that currently has focus.


Extensible Properties


Each element in Flynet Studio has a set of core properties as well as any number of extended properties provided by Plug-in Wizards and Templates.  The properties you see for each element at any time will depend on the .NET extension assemblies in the bin folders of Studio, and your settings in the Options panel.  For reference information on the core properties, click here to jump to the Properties Reference Section...


Example: Screen Definition Properties


This screenshot is for a "fully loaded" environment with the Web Service and ASP.NET UI Wizards both active:





As with standard PropertyGrid controls, the current property's short help is displayed when the help portion of the PropertyGrid is visible at the bottom.


Flynet Studio's Properties also supports the Tab Key for moving focus forward through the properties, and the Help (F1) Key for displaying full help for the property with focus.