Flynet Viewer Studio 2016 Help

Recognition Element, Field and Label Elements

Recognition Element, Field and Label Elements

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Recognition Element, Field and Label Elements

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While the use of the Recognition element is best described in the Recognition Parent Element section, the Field and Label elements are both very important for both Web Service and ASP.NET UI applications.


The Field Properties can affect how Navigation is analysed as well as how Fields are generated in a UI environment.  Many Extension properties are provided for Fields, so it is important to learn how each works by positioning the cursor in the Properties panel and pressing the F1 key...


Labels are generally ignored for Web Service application generation, but become very important for an ASP.NET UI application.  With the Label Properties, you can set the label's CSS class as well as set special navigation characteristics.




Right-click on a Recognition element, Field or Label node to display the Context Menu:






Will delete the Recognition element, Field or Label from its parent node.


Note that the Delete key will delete also...