Flynet Viewer Studio 2016 Help

WorkflowRole (Selection)

WorkflowRole (Selection)

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WorkflowRole (Selection)

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This property assigns the role of the Workflow page, as according to the following table:




Start Page

The "welcome" page, which simply displays informational text.  You are expected to "dress-up" any start page with additional help information, logos, branding and so on.  A Start page is optional.

Standard Page

Working page with one or more Screen contents included.  Presence of Previous and Next buttons depends on whether a Start Page precedes the page (Previous) or the Completion Page follows it (Next).

Informational Page

Intended to provide help to the user regarding where in the multi-step process the user is.  For example, describing what has been performed so far, and a description of what will be asked in the next step...

Completion Page

The end page, optional but recommended.  Summarizes what has been accomplished and provides the OK button to end the workflow.  The generated page only has the InformationalText property contents displayed: you are expected to possibly add some field values with descriptions, and or additional help/summaries.