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Flynet Viewer Flex Web Service Generator

You have right-clicked to generate a new Project definition with nothing defined inside of it.


The best way to populate a Task Project is with the Navigation Panel:


1.Select to view the Navigation panel in the View pulldown menu

2.Click on the Load link at the bottom of the Navigation panel to display the treeview of all screens analysed throughout your recordings

3.Open the treeview along the screens you would like to use in your first Web Service task

4.Using the Ctrl-Key to select more than one, click on the screens you would like to include in the task

5.Now, with the left mouse button, drag and drop the selected screens into the Tasks Panel

6.This will create a newModule module node containing a newTask node, which in turn will contain the screens you selected in step 4 as TaskScreen nodes

7.You can now click on the newModule and newTask nodes to rename to your preferred names.