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Flynet Viewer Flex Web Service Generator

WARNING: Your Application requires navigation through one or more unrecognized screens (default)...Please identify these screens in your Project Workspace...(Recording Origin=[recording name]:[timestamp])


The navigation analyzer has found one or more screens in your recordings that are involved in navigation between the screens you are trying to generate a Web Service for.


These screens have an identity of "default" in the system and must be recognized as named screens to ensure a robust and trustworthy end application.


Adding Unrecognized Screens to your Project


The easiest way to add the unrecognized screens in Studio is as follows:


1.Select the Resources Panel (typically a tab in the Project Explorer but you may need to activate it using the View menu pulldown).

2.Right-click with the mouse on the Recording identified in the message (recording name) and select "View Recording in Linker"

3.If the Linker Tab is not visible, select it in the primary workspace panel

4.Scroll down until you see an unrecognized screen--the default color is red in the Thumbnails view that is settable in options.  You can also "mouse over" any screen and hold to see a tooltip with the Timestamp information for the screen, to help find using the [timestamp] information from the message.

5.Right-click on the "missing screen" and select "Import to Application"

6.Click on the Explorer Tab to activate the Project Explorer treeview, a new screen should now  be there

7.Change the name to an appropriate name of the newly added screen, and add recognition information in the Recognition node