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Flynet Studio User Interface Generation Properties

How the user is connected to a new or existing host session.




Logon Page

The user needs to enter the logon credentials using an initial web page prior to accessing this UITopPage.


When this setting is active, the LogonPageName and LogonPageTemplate will both become visible.  This provides control over both the name and appearance/behavior of the initial logon page.

From Session Pool

A session will be acquired from the UIProject's Session Pool as the UITopPage is loaded for a new user.  The user will own the session from the pool until initiating and completing a Logoff action, then the session will be returned to the pool.


This setting will display the associated ExitURL property, which provides a default page to "send" the user after logging off (rather than closing the browser window).

Auto Logon

Using the same logon logic as a session pool, the user will be automatically logged-on and provided a session from the standard (concurrent) available sessions. The user will own the session from the pool until initiating and completing a Logoff action, then the session will be logged-off and closed.


This setting will display the associated ExitURL property, which provides a default page to "send" the user after logging off (rather than closing the browser window).