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Flynet Studio User Interface Generation Properties

Labels only (not visible in a Field).


This will contain a comma-delimited list of labels associated with this label.  At this time, only Responsive Web Page templates include support for label-to-label associations.  When a label "captures" other labels, they are treated as one in the responsive web page and only the "primary" label is generated (but with the other label text).


While it is possible to edit this property directly, it is recommended that the Associate With Fields action be used on the Screen Definition's Labels node.  Note that for MultiRow FieldMap definitions and the InLine table template, when the labels are in more than one row, by associating Labels together with the field in each column, the headers for the resulting HTML table can be defined using the labels rather than the field names.  Associating Header labels with the multirow fields is particularly important with screens that have multiple languages active, so that the headers on the table match the user's home language.


See the help for Responsive Label Association Editor on how to manage the LabelList property visually.