Flynet Viewer 2016 Web Service Generator

default singleton FieldMap

default singleton FieldMap

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default singleton FieldMap

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The default singleton FieldMap is usually defined for every screen type.  It contains the simple single-instance fields contained by the parent screen.  When a FieldMap has the special name of "default" in the Studio properties, it will take the parent screen's name in generated code and definitions.


HostFields can be protected (labels) or unprotected (entry fields).  They are positioned on the screen usually in logical groups that associate the fields into entities or other groups meaningful to users.
WSWhen a screen is to be read, all of the mapped fields will be returned in a class object that defines all of the fields as named strings.  When a screen is to be written, either as update or add (entry), a filter can be utilized to control which fields are written (only available in Finite State Logic generator).



Here is a screen which has single-instance fields, which we would map in the default singleton map


Click to view the next section, Multirow FieldMaps