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Configuring HTTPS for FVTerm

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As FVTerm is simply a standard IIS Application, configuring HTTPS access is for the web server that FVTerm runs on.  These instructions assume that the website that FVTerm is installed under will be where HTTPS is configured.


A good description for setting-up HTTPS can be found at this Microsoft page:


1.Obtain an SSL Certificate based on the URL your users will access your FVTerm application.  Generally there are two price levels for SSL, "wildcard" and "specific" in terms of the URL.  Most organizations will have a global/wildcard certificate that you can probably implement.  The best way to use a certificate within your organization is by requesting a .PFX file, as you can then use the Import action on Server Certificates to install the PFX.

a.Click on the Server node in IIS

b.In the IIS section, double-click on "Server Certificates"

c.If you are responsible for obtaining the certificate, use the "Create Certificate Request" action, then follow directions to buy a certificate from a vendor like Digicert or GoDaddy--after receiving the certificate in PFX format proceed to step d.

d.Click on "Import..." to then select the PFX file

e.If you are just testing, Click on "Create Self-Signed Certificate" which will require users to click-past security warnings on the first access, but is a great way to secure your FVTerm application while you are obtaining a certificate.

2.After installing a certificate for the server, click on the Default Web Site or the Site FVTerm is installed under

a.In Actions, click on Bindings...


c.Select Type https

d.Port 443 is standard but you can change if your organization wants to use a different SSL port (that means all your URLS need that port so not typical!)

e.Select the Certificate in the bottom of the form based on the certificate you installed in step 1.

3.You now have HTTPS setup--to limit users to only accessing with HTTPS you can

a.Click on the FVTerm application

b.In IIS Section click on SSL Settings

c.Check "Require SSL"

4.To automatically redirect users to HTTPS from HTTP, check that the IIS URL ReWrite module is active, then edit the FVTerm web.config with this block, being sure to add the rewrite section inside any existing <system.webserver>:
   <rule name="RedirectToHTTPS" stopProcessing="true">
    <match url="(.*)" />
      <add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="off" ignoreCase="true" />
     <action type="Redirect" url="https://{SERVER_NAME}/{R:1}" redirectType="Permanent" />