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Configuration and Management of Inventu Viewer+ License Cluster Servers

Navigation: Load Balancer Configuration with Inventu Server Clusters

Optional: URL Rewrite configuration on each server

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If you would like for users to be automatically routed to the FVTerm/SCTerm.html url on each of your clustered servers, the IIS Url Rewrite module provides the easiest and most reliable way to do this.  You can also set the default folder for IIS to the FVTerm folder, but this can break other utilities that include FVTerm in their URL (like the configuration page link).


You can install the URL Rewrite module from which once again is easier with the WebPI support and network access to


Once URL rewrite is installed, click on the default website, then click on the URL Rewrite IIS module:




After opening the URL Rewrite panel, right-click and select  "Add Rule(s)..."


Here are the options you can use to set the URL to \FVTerm\SCTerm.html if a client simply accesses the server URL:



The above interactive method can be replaced with an edit to web.config in the c:\inetpub\wwwroot folder:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>





                   <rule name="Root Hit Redirect" stopProcessing="true">

                           <match url="^$" />

                           <action type="Redirect" url="/FVTerm/SCTerm.html" />




