Set the value of an unprotected field.
void setTimeout(int milliseconds); |
Required. HostScreen object.
Required. Number of milliseconds before this screen session should be timed-out. Set to zero (0) to cancel any prior request.
In some environments, the display of a certain screen, such as a logon screen, should cause a shorter timeout than if an application screen is displayed. Using the setTimeout, when a logon screen is displayed, it can be given a shorter timeout, such as 5 minutes.
The following c# example checks for the LOGON text and sets the timeout to 5 minutes. Any action from the host will cancel the timeout.
static public string LogScreen(DebugLogs logger, HostScreen oScreen)
// This method is called whenever a new screen is received from the host.
// This implementation watches for the start screen and then tries to log the user on
// based on information obtained from AD.
if (oScreen.getText(1, 20, 5) == "LOGON")
oScreen.setTimeout(1000 * 60 * 5); // Set to 5 minutes
return null;
Inventu Viewer+
See Also
Applies To: HostScreen object
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