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Creating Applications

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As outlined in the Developers Guide, creating Inventu Viewer applications involves the use of a number of tools:


The Screen Workflow Screen Recorder and Viewer provide initial and ongoing documentation of how your screen application works


The Inventu Viewer Studio is a separately purchased complete Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that integrates with recordings and provides modeling capabilities as well as a number of Code Generation wizards.  With Viewer Studio, complete ASP.NET Solutions compatible with Visual Studio can be generated for Web Services, ASP.NET Web User interfaces and SharePoint Terminal Emulation Web Parts.

The Mapper tool creates and updates Screen Definition Files which provide the foundation for high-level screen interaction.  New with Version 2, the Mapper also supports generation of both Screen Simulator Host scripts as well as c# screen integration class libraries.  Mapper has been replaced for serious development with Version 3 by the Viewer Studio.


The FSCProLib .NET Class Library provides a set of objects which provide screen integration for any language or toolset supporting the Microsoft .NET Framework and language runtime environment.  A number of methods utilize definitions managed with the Mapper to encapsulate screen reading, writing and navigation.


The Inventu Viewer Terminal Emulator environment operates as an ASP.NET application.  The SPTerminal.html  file is provided for Visual Studio.NET developers in the \Inetpub\wwwroot\FVTerm folder. This provides integration with the SharePoint Terminal Emulation Web Part, available as an option.


The Trace File Viewer is used to analyse tests of your application for rapid identification of errors or other aspects needing improvement


The Screen Simulator Host Simulator offers a built-in simulated Insurance Application (3270 based) for learning, as well as the ability to play-back your host interactions to enable disconnected development


The FlyScreen COM interface provides a set of objects which parallel the .NET class library and provide the same screen integration but for any language or toolset supporting COM/ActiveX interfaces.  A number of methods utilize definitions managed with the Mapper to encapsulate screen reading, writing and navigation.