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Inventu FVTerm Web Terminal Emulation Help

Some UNIX hosts use the SEND-LOCATION Telnet option to request a connecting terminals IP address to identify the user's department, geographic location or for security restrictions.  The FVTerm application will by default forward the connecting web browser's IP address to the host if SEND-LOCATION is requested.  In many cases this may cause problems due to the wide variety of IP addresses a web user can utilize as a roaming individual.


Setting a fixed IP Address to Forward to the UNIX Host


The locationIPAddress web.config setting, when present, will override the web user's IP address with the address contained in the setting.  For example:


   <add key="locationIPAddress" value="" />


The above example will cause all SEND-LOCATION request to be responded to with the address instead of the active web browser's IP address.


To set the PORT used for SEND-LOCATION, see the locationPort setting