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Inventu FVTerm Web Terminal Emulation Help

Use to specify information about the FVTerm server--this can be direct text or a file name preceded with a @ like "@SessionInfo.txt".  Using a file name allows the same web.config to easily be replicated across a server farm without affecting the server names.  The file name can include drive and folder as well as environment variables.  If the file name is not rooted, it is relative to the FVTerm web application folder (same location as web.config).


When the serverInfo value is included in the web.config, it is updated to each FVTerm client so that the server the user is connected to can be identified in a number of ways.


The simplest way is when the user moves the mouse over the help icon in the FVTerm status bar area.  When serverInfo is defined, the user will see the value when the tiptext is displayed while mousing-over the status bar.


The other way is that if there is a parent frame, it can refer to the contents in the FVTerm iFrame as follows:


function FVTermSession(fvWin)


 this.fvWin = fvWin;

 this.emSess = fvWin.em;

 this.sessionInfo = fvWin.sessionInfo;

 this.serverInfo = this.sessionInfo.serverInfo;

 // Other items available on sessionInfo include

 // sessionInfo.userID, sessionInfo.clientIP and sessionInfo.LUName

 this.screenCount = 0;

 this.onsend = this.onrestart = this.fnNextScreen = this.onnewscreen = this.onclose = this.onchange = this.onsave = null;






 <add key="serverInfo" value="Test 2012 Hot box VM!"/>




 <add key="serverInfo" value="@serverinfo.txt"/>  <!--ServerInfo.txt resides in the FVTerm folder..-->