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Inventu FVTerm Web Terminal Emulation Help

WebSockets support for FVTerm provides a tight, persistent websocket connection between the client browser session and the active terminal emulation session.  It is highly recommended for all protocol types to reduce web server and network loads-- and is especially recommended for character mode protocols (VT220 / ADDS-Viewpoint / SCO-ANSI).


Server Support


WebSockets are only supported in Windows Server 2012+ and Windows 8+ running IIS Version 8-- note that developers with the latest version of IIS Express Version 8 should be able to test and utilize the FVTerm websockets support as it is reported to work with IIS Express Version 8.


The FVTerm application uses standard Microsoft technology to deliver its web functionality, and these platforms are the only ones (at the time of this writing) that support web sockets.  


Web Browser Support


WebSockets are only available on more up-to-date browsers (as of March, 2014, all popular browsers with the exception of Opera Mini support web sockets).  For Internet Explorer, WebSockets are supported starting with version IE10.


When this option is set to "yes" and the client has a browser supporting WebSockets, after starting a session the connection will switch from standard HTTP/AJAX to a WebSocket connection.