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Activate Performance Counters

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When checked, both the Inventu Viewer Emulation Service and the FVTerm application will log Windows Performance counters that can be viewed and recorded using the Windows Performance Monitor.


Note that the Web Server Advanced Setting in the FVTerm configuration web page Track Server Performance must be checked in order for this setting to take effect.  Also if you change the Track Server Performance setting, it will also change this setting to the same boolean.


To monitor the counters, Look for "Inventu Viewer Performance Counters" as a category in the <Local Computer> counters.


The counters currently include:




Active Sessions

Number of sessions currently connected on the server

Active WebSockets

Number of Client Websockets active


Number of new connections/minute (good for understanding when the server has the most load)


Number of screen enters per minute

Full Response Time Avg

Response time of an enter from the client-> to the server-> to the host->back to the server -> back to the client (milliseconds)

Full Response Time Max

Maximum full response time--note this can be impacted by network issues (mostly) (milliseconds)

Host Response Time Avg

Average host response time to a screen enter (milliseconds)

Host Response Time Max

Maximum host response time to a screen enter (milliseconds)

Inbound Delay Average

Time to process inbound data and send to host (milliseconds)

Inbound Delay Max

Maximum inbound delay (milliseconds)

Max Active Sessions

Maximum Active Sessions during this run of the service

Outbound Delay Average

Average time to process internally a screen being "ready" and being sent to the client (milliseconds)

Outbound Delay Max

Maximum time to process internally outbound (milliseconds)