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Inventu Viewer+ Administration Console

The session start definition controls how a session is started when requested from the Administration session pop-up menu (the Start item).


By default (nothing in this entry), the first host defined in the settings will be used as the definition to start.


This means that if you wish to use some alternative protocol or target host than that defined in the first host definition, you should use this field.


There are two types of entries.  The first type is the host name entry while the second type is the full definition entry.


Host Name Entry


The Host Name entry is simple-- enter the name of the host as you see it declared in the list of Hosts found in the tree view (this is the Host Identifier of the subject host.)  By selecting a specific host in this entry, the next time the start pop-up menu item is selected on a specific section, the host definition for this host will be used to start the session.


Full Definition Entry


The Full Definition Entry must start and end with curly braces { and } to differentiate it from the Host Name entry.  Internally, this is the same definition used for other API's such as the COM object and the server HLLAPI interface.


The syntax of the Full Definition Entry is the same as for HTML Style Sheets, namely:








Note that if the HostName value is entered, all other values are optional.  If no HostName value is provided, then the following values are required: Address, Protocol


The names and expected values are as follows.  :



Usage and Corresponding Setting

Sample Value(s)


Use this to specify an active hostname which you can then modify with additional name:value pairs

Host Identifier.  If the name of a host starts the definitions (before the curly left brace), then you can use the hostname: inside the string as a "new name" of a host that is based on the host named at the start of the definition string.  Otherwise, this entry will search for a given host name and use that to fill all values in the active definition.


If a hostname is not located to the left of the curly braces, then this hostname will search for an already defined hostname--if not found, an error will occur during connect.  If found, all values are replaced with those from the found host.  If using this to search for a pre-existing hostname, use at the start of the definitions to avoid losing any settings made preceding it.



The IP address or DNS name for the target host

Host Address



One of the following:  TN3270,  TN5250 or TNVT

Emulation Protocol



For a TN3270 connection, this will further refine which features of TN3270 are supported--values are:


tn3270  - standard TN3270, no TN3270E functions

basic - TN3270E "basic" mode--no headers for example, but can specify target LU

tn3270E - full TN3270E with all headers and other characteristics

TN3270 Level



For each emulation, there are certain terminal types allowed.  Examples include:


Tn3270: IBM-3278-2

Tn5250: IBM-5251-11


Terminal Type



For the TN3270E level of TN3270, you can request a specific LU name for your session.  This may be required for some environments where the LU name is matched to a security table to determine access rights.


If you would like to utilize the acquired Session index (a number starting with 0 and ranging up to 1 less than the number of sessions licensed on your server) to generate a LU name, you can use a wildcard pattern based on the following syntax:





d=decimal representation (1,2..9,10,11)

h=hexadecimal representation (1,2..9,A,B)


width=width of the number padded to the left with zeroes


:offset (optional) if the starting number should be some offset from zero, include it here.  For example, if the first number inside the LUName should start with 21, rather than 0, use 21 for this value.


Examples, server licensed for 15 sessions:


LU|d6:1|     LU000001, LU000002...LU000015

#REG|h4|   #REG0000, #REG0001...#REG000E

OE|d6:22|   OE000022, OE000023...OE000036







If your target host is an AS400/ISeries or IBM mainframe compatible, and your code page used to translate characters is different than the U.S. code page, enter the name of the matching table from the active folder

Code Page File



To synchronize connections--

Connect Text/Row/Column



To synchronize connections--

Connect Text/Row/Column




To synchronize connections--

Connect Text/Row/Column


"Login ID:"


Number of silent periods to wait for a connect

Silent Count for Connect



Number of periods to wait before timing-out a connect

Timeout Count for Connect



Number of rows in normal screen

Screen Rows



Number of columns in normal screen

Screen Columns



Number of rows in an alternate screen

Alt Screen Rows



Number of columns in an alternate screen

Alt Screen Columns



If the host terminates the connection, keep session alive

Ignore Host Drop



For small-screen devices, the row at which to signal small-screen mode

Emulation Row Cutoff



Amount of silence between screens to indicate readiness (in milliseconds)

Ready Silence



Milliseconds to wait in-between screen transitions before timing-out

Screen Timeout



Name of the pool to allocate the session from.  Pooled sessions are typically inappropriate for use in the session start definition, as they are meant for transactional use by API programs using the .NET fscprolib class library or COM flyscreen DLL.
