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Creating and Editing Style Sheets

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Creating and Editing Style Sheets

There are a number of provided CSS files installed in the wwwroot\fvterm folder.  Each of these has been pre-configured in the Web.Config file also installed in the folder.


Based on your configuration of Web.Config, users can select a style sheet that suits their preferences.  While users cannot change colors at their workstations, you can build alternate color schemes that can provide some personalization for users.


Creating a New Style Sheet


1.Copy an existing CSS file, such as SCStyle.CSS to a new name in the FVTerm folder  

2.Edit the web.config file, and add a new CSSx entry (see the CSSx settings section) that matches your new name...note that you can include a descriptive name rather than the file name (such as "Fall Colors").  


Editing a Style Sheet


It is recommended that if you do change a style sheet, you either create a new one or ensure that you keep a safe copy of your new sheet so that subsequent installations of the Inventu Viewer product don't copy over your changed file.  


Whether you have just created a new style sheet, or simply wish to make a change to an existing sheet, you should utilize a special HTML file that has been provided to assist in managing style sheets.  This HTML file is a key for the classes use in the terminal emulation-- it also acts as the only documentation you are going to find as to what each class is used for, so it is essential that it be utilized while editing a CSS file.  


You can access this file if on the same server as ScreenViewer is installed with the URL:  




If you are working at another machine, alter the URL accordingly in order to access the page.  This page enables you to select the CSS file you are editing (either one of the standard ones, or one you enter as "other"), then view all of the available classes that are utilized in the emulation page.  The script in the page has been written so that you need only click on the Refresh Button  to view the effects of any changes you have just made to the CSS file.  


To edit the CSS file on a different location (yes, a good idea if your server is live!), copy the AttrStyles.html file to the same folder as the copy of the CSS file you are working on, and access it directly from disk from an IE browser window.