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Inventu FVTerm Web Terminal Emulation Help

Set this property to support automatic retries that ignore an existing load balancer "assignment".  If a user has connected to a Inventu server that has been placed on hold, this enables the automatic removal of the load balancer affinity cookie so that the next connect will be reassigned to a different server.


When multiple Inventu servers are accessed through a load balancer (to support automatic selection when more than one server provide access), the load balancer should be configured to use an HTTP cookie as the client affinity mechanism.


Once a user has started to use a particular server in this environment, he or she will continue to access that server for the duration of a browser session.  If the targeted server is placed on hold, closing the browser is the only way to clear the session cookie used by the load balancer, otherwise the user sees the "No sessions available-server on hold" message.  With this option, however, closing the browser will not be necessary, as the cookie will be deleted if any message indicating a full server or on-hold server is sent during a connection attempt.


Example using the IIS Application Request Routing default cookie name:


<add key="loadBalancerCookie" value="ARRAffinity"/>