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Inventu FVTerm Web Terminal Emulation Help

The main issue that can be encountered with the High-Level configurator is security settings on the FVTerm folder.


The setup for Inventu Viewer attempts to set the security to allow the FVTerm 4.0 Application Pool Windows identity to have read/write access but in many cases due to server policies this may not work.


Setting the Security for the FVTerm Folder


To remedy security problems while trying to save from the high-level configurator, you can add the user ID for the FVTerm v4.0 Application pool as a full-rights user for the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\fvterm folder.  

On older servers this may be the NETWORK SERVICE or one of the IIS users, like IIS_IUSRS (check in the properties of the FVTerm v4.0 Application Pool).