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Inventu FVTerm Web Terminal Emulation Help

When Windows security is active for the FVTerm application (by modifying the Security tags--the default web.config is setup for anonymous access), use this tag to manage how the WebFlow macros work.  WebFlow macros are organized by host name, and are authored by everyone by default.  The macroAuthors_for_Host(n) can be used to control who can author a macro.


For each host, you can define the administrators (who are able to save a macro as a PUBLIC macro, and who can also modify the Authors list through the web interface).  You can also define who can run macros for the host.




<add key="windowsSec_for_Host1" value="admins:|mydomain\userid1|mydomain\userid2|;groups:everyone;"/>


In the above example, the first Host definitions are setup with administrators "userid1" and "userid2" in domain "mydomain" being assigned as administrators.  Groups that are able to use the macros include Everyone so there is no restriction on use of macros.