Flynet Viewer Studio Help

PaddingChar (string)

PaddingChar (string)

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PaddingChar (string)

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Your Flynet Viewer service has a default pad character already defined.  In some applications, one screen may use underscores while another uses dashes, or blanks.  On a screen-by-screen basis you can control the pad character to use with this field.


Since the null (ASCII zero (0)) cannot be keyed the way a dash or underscore character can, the special entry of \0 (backslash with a zero character) will be interpreted as the null at runtime when the definitions file is processed.


Note that this value will be ignored if the connection has PaddingMode=no or this screen has PaddingMode=no.

"text/javascript" defer="defer"> $("#hmcontent",window.parent.document).ready(function() { var doTogJump=setTimeout("toggleJump()", 0); });