Flynet Viewer Studio 2016 Help

PaddingMode (selection)

PaddingMode (selection)

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PaddingMode (selection)

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The padding mode affects how a screen entry field is read or written to. The padding char will be removed when reading, and used at the start and end of the field when writing.





Use the active PaddingMode for the connection.  In Code Generation projects, the TaskProject entity includes a project-level PaddingMode, otherwise this is determined by your code following a successful HostConnection.Connect() call


For this screen, padding mode is active


For this screen, do not use padding character logic when reading and writing fields.


When screen fields are read or written through one of the mapped methods in the Flynet Viewer .NET class (or COM object), the text written/read from the screen may have additional characters added (writing) or stripped (reading).


This is typical in many host applications that use the underscore or dash character in entry-capable fields to assist the user in understanding the size of the entry field.


Pad stripping is usually activated as a default, but in the case where it is not, you can check this for the active screen to indicate that stripping is active for this screen.