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Inventu Flex UI Application Generator

Navigation: Solution Project Configuration

CreateDesktopFolder (boolean)

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Following a successful generation, would you like a Folder created on your desktop with useful links into the project files?


If you set this property True, a folder will be generated on the desktop named "[VirtualFolderName] Inventu Flex Project", where VirtualFolderName is the value of the VirtualFolderName property.


This folder will contain useful shortcuts to the following items:


Visual Studio Solution Link (to the .sln file)

MSBuild Link - Builds PrecompiledWeb (Release) (.NET Framework 2.0+ only)

MSBuild Link - Builds PrecompiledWeb (Debug) (.NET Framework 2.0+ only)


Internet Explorer Link to test, one or two for each Module (ASMX or ASPX), there are two for Framework 2.0 builds because there are two possible web folders to test.  One if the PreCompiledWeb created for the ASP.NET 2.0 PreCompiledWeb support, while the other targets the Visual Studio project's web folder.


Edit Logon Variables WinForm Application (Pooled and AutoLogon Sessions Only)


Merge Source Changes (For Regeneration where a previous module was modified and the newly generated module had changes triggered by changes in the screen/recording model)