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Inventu Flex UI Application Generator

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GenerateExplanations (boolean)

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When set True, detailed Application log entries will be generated into the application that explain not only what is being performed at a particular time, but why, including property settings that affect certain blocks of code.


Note that the Explain blocks are all embedded in #if statements keyed on the DEBUG runtime compile option.  This means that while the Explain blocks are in the c# source, when the Release build option is selected, the Explain blocks will not be present in the runtime assemblies.


When you set GenerateExplanations to False, the explain blocks are not generated at all.  Some developers may chose to set GenerateExplanations to true for initial testing, prototyping and so on, until the code is understood.  Then, prior to performing any modifications (if necessary), generate the code with GenerateExplanations set to False so the source is not "cluttered" with the Explain blocks.