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Flynet Studio User Interface Generation Properties

How action buttons are published on this tab--since a Notebook includes an overall navigation technique (the tabs), you might typically chose not to display any actions on the page displayed in a tab.  This way, the user will select the view by clicking on a tab rather than clicking on an action button on an individual tab's page.


Note that if you have not changed the default for this property, the first time you will see a message box asking if you would like to copy the actions from the first screen defined as a child for the tab.  Select yes on this message box to start with a copy of the first screen's actions in the collection editor.




From First Screen

(default) - the action buttons generated for this page are taken from any actions defined on the first child UIScreen attached to this NotebookTab object.

No Actions

Do not display any actions for this page.

Set On This Tab

Define actions using the TabActions property.  The first time you select this option, you will be presented with a prompt to copy actions from the first child UIScreen.