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Inventu Viewer Enhanced ASP.NET UI Application Generator


The Flynet Viewer Studio ASP.NET UI Generator can transform a wide variety of Screens, FieldMaps and Fields into  enhanced ASPX pages and code-behind modules.

 Controlling Properties


You create an enhanced web page by setting the CreateWebPage property true in a Screen Definition's properties, then selecting the PageTemplate you would like to use.  Web Page templates are in the folder c:\program files\flynet\Viewer\Studio\ProjTemplates\WebPages.


When a web page is generated, both the ASPX and ASPX.cs files are generated, and are ready to edit in Visual Studio for further refinement (in particular, moving and aligning fields from their initial positions on the screen).


By setting the CreateWebPage property true, any time a user visits the screen that the Enhanced Web page is based on, the Enhanced Web page will be displayed.  Note also that if you provide a link to the web page, the code-behind includes a navigation to the underlying screen, which will require navigation fields to have been entered on a prior screen (or the user is prompted for the missing values).


When the CreateWebPage property is false, or a screen is displayed that is not defined at all in the recognition/project view, the On-the-Fly Terminal Emulation feature is used to display the screen.


Features of Enhanced Web Pages


Page Layout Options

DataField Support

Label Support

Multi-Row Lists (Gridview)

Action Buttons

 See Also

Modeling a Single Enhanced Screen Web Page