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Inventu Viewer+ Web Service Generator

 State Description

The current state screen has been identified as a "drilldown list" screen using analysis of recordings and property settings.  A selection is needed in a multi-row fieldmap involved in the drilldown navigation; a row needs to be selected and the screen then entered in order to advance to the next TaskScreen in the Task

 Action Performed

If the drill-down FieldMap:CursorDrillDown property=true, the cursor is position on the correct row based on the value passed by the caller (rowSequence, which identifies the row in a block of screens).


If the FieldMap has a Field:ColumnKeyType=action, positioning with the passed rowSequence, that field is updated with either a value passed as a parameter by the caller, or a fixed value based on the Field:FixedAction value.


Once the appropriate action has been taken to select the correct row, the screen is entered using the AID/Enter key that navigates to the next TaskScreen in the Task treeview.  The Enter key used is identified from recordings of the same transition.

 Objects and Properties

The following conditions will trigger a Task being split into at least two parts, where the first part returns the results of a doScreenIDRead state (for this screen), and the second part has parameters that include a rowSelection integer that indicates which row to use for the drill-down.


Screen has a FieldMap with FieldMap:MultiRow="yes".


FieldMap:CursorDrillDown=true --OR-- a Field in the FieldMap has Field:ColumnKeyType=action


The next TaskScreen defined in the Task tree view is navigated to only by drilling down through this TaskScreen's drill-down list, based on an analysis of recordings.


The TaskScreen:TaskIOType is NOT Auto Select

 Next State Handler(s)
