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Inventu Viewer+ Configuration Management

If you will be hosting the FVTerm application in an iFrame on a web page that will not enable cross-site scripting (any web page loaded from a different server or the same server but a different port), you need to set this value in order to enable interaction between the FVTerm application and the hosting page.


For example, if you have a company portal site running on a different server than the FVTerm server and need to host the FVTerm application in the pages as an iFrame and use the FVTermParent.js Javascript API, you need to, in all pages set the active document.domain.


If the company site is, you will need to set the javascript "document.domain=''" in the page hosting the FVTerm iFrame.  In this example, the value of Browser Domain Setting would be "".


Other FVTerm Edits Needed for Document.Domain

When you change this setting, the Configuration Server logic will update the following files as noted below.  If changing from a value to null/empty string, the logic will comment-out a line with document.domain.  If you have made changes to the preserve section while omitting document.domain, you may need to hand-edit to add the value.










In each file find the comment block starts looking like:

 <!--Preserve Start-->

 <!-- Everything between the Start and End comment will be preserved during FVTerm upgrades

           For Example:

 <script type="text/javascript">

         document.domain = '';



 <!--Preserve End-->


The Configuration server logic will edit this block so that it looks like the following (with your domain properly defined):

 <!--Preserve Start-->

 <script type="text/javascript">

         document.domain = '';


 <!--Preserve End-->