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Inventu Viewer+ Configuration Management

Navigation: Configuration Web Page (Admin.html) > Host Connections Tab > Tuning the Session

Treat Line Feeds as Carriage Return / Line Feed

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For ASCII hosts, after the initial connection, some messages are sent as primitive teletype lines of text with only a Linefeed character (ASCII 10) ending each line.


Generally, the ASCII protocols do not reposition the cursor at the start of the line, requiring a Carriage Return (ASCII 13) to position to the start of the line.  This is the default.


Un-Checked step_default_24

At start-up of a session, a Line Feed will index the cursor to the next row, in the same column.


At start-up of a session, any Line Feed will index to the next row and position the cursor at column 1 of the new row.


You will know if you need this option set, if at the beginning of a session, lines of text are oddly formatted and wrap in odd ways across rows.