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Tech Support Documentation for Inventu Viewer

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Installation Folder

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c:\program files\[inventu|flynet]\viewer

This is the primary installation folder of the product with the following subfolders


Contains the HTA (HTML application) utilities used in managing and working with the product, which includes the admin.hta and Viewtrace.hta that are still relevant--there is also a recorder and recordings viewer, both of which have been supplanted by the Recorder 2.0



Contains the executables, most notably:

FlyServer.exe -- the Windows Service executable that shows as "[Inventu|Flynet] Viewer Emulation Service"

FVLicense.exe -- the Viewer License manager, used to update keys as well as renew a subscription or maintenance status after Inventu has received the renewal purchase order and issued an invoice

FVIISApi.exe -- Utility that checks the IIS configuration as well as manages the configuration saved for use by the service and other utilities

SCControl.exe -- Notification Tray executable that provides useful menu actions

FVServiceControl.exe -- Service that interfaces between SCControl.exe and FlyServer.exe so that certain privileged functions can be performed without the SCControl.exe needing Admin privileges



Contains the translation data tables that convert text from the IBM EBCDIC world in TN5250 and TN3270 to and from ASCII or UNICODE.  Both single character and double-byte (DBCS) translation tables are included.  Single character tables have an extension of .dat and DBCS have an extension of .ucm.



Contains the trace files created when trace is active.  When the trace specification is "!" each session creates a separate trace file name with the sessionID (1..n) appended.  Also may include .dmp files if the FlyServer.exe service encounters an internal exception.



Contains TermInfo.txt which defines keystroke commands for ASCII terminal types scoansi, ansi, vp90, viewpoint90, adds, viewpoint, wy50, wyse50, wy60, wyse60, fpcwin and fwswin.  This file can be extended to support additional terminal types if necessary.


Also contains any screen recognition XML files for customers with Studio or who have created recognition XML files with the older Mapper.exe or by hand.  Recognition files are not generally used in terminal emulation environments although they are supported.



Contains the installed .chm Windows Compiled Help files which are linked to in the Start Menu and the Taskbar Notification Icon.



Contains the executables and Windows definition files needed to launch and run the Inventu Viewer Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Snap-In, which is the recommended administrator's interface for managing and active server and/or server cluster.


When licensed for development tools, the Recorder 2.0 is in the Folder



Contains recordings created with the Recorder V2 or the HTA based Recorder.  Can also include Alerts that are special single-purpose recordings of buffers that may be activated by protocol events in the Inventu Viewer Emulation Service


Contains an old c# Winforms Solution that demonstrates use of the ViewerLib API--only usable on systems with a Server API Feature active.


Contains special simulated host scripts used with the Simulated Host.  The Simulated Host is generally useful for trying-out the Web Terminal Emulator if you do not have access to a real host.  


Contains the FlowSshC64.dll (and supporting DLLS) which is the SSH library licensed by Inventu for use with SSH connections.  In the config subfolder is the default.cfg as well as other .cfg files named for a specific host.  These are used to configure the prompts for logging on and the initial message in the logon screen when connecting to a host using SSH.


Contains the default.cfg and specific host named .cfg files that configure how the TLS support connects to a host.  The most significant setting is the level of TLS to support.  By default, no specific level is set so that the highest level supported by the target host is utilized.