Creating Additional Connection Profiles
If you have chosen to use the HTA or HTML Application file approach to using the Flynet Viewer emulator, you can maintain multiple connection profiles on the same machine.
When you access preferences for an HTA file, it utilizes the HTA File name to differentiate a set of cookies that are used to personalize each HTA file's emulation settings.
So, all you need to do is create differently named HTA files to access the Flynet Viewer emulation, and each file can maintain unique connection profiles.
Crafty users can even edit the top Application tag of the HTA file and change the ICON displayed at runtime...also, as you create icons on your desktop you can select the icon to use when displaying the file, further personalizing your emulation options.
To Create Multiple Connection Profiles
Access the HTA file that has been made available to you by your Flynet Viewer Server Administrator (if already downloaded to your PC, locate the downloaded file on your desktop or custom folder).
If Not Downloaded to Your Machine Yet
Download the HTA file-- you can select your Desktop as the target, then move at a later time to another folder
Once Downloaded
With the right mouse button, drag-and-drop your SCTerm.HTA file to another location on your desktop or custom COPY on the drop action.
Now, change the name to a meaningful name, such as "Order Entry System.HTA".
Repeat As Needed
Create as many copies of the HTA file (each with different names) as you need different host access profiles.