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Flynet Studio User Interface Generation Properties

Select a template to generate this field or label in a web page.


Templates provided in the template picker come from the folder c:\program files\flynet\viewer\studio\projtemplates\WebFields.


Based on your selection, other properties may become visible to set.  Provided templates are documented below and reference any associated additional properties





(default)  The Standard field template will actually use one of two standard templates depending on the data type.  For read action fields, the TextDisplay template will be used while for readwrite and write action fields, the TextEntry template will be used.


Will use the active text/value of the label to create a button/hotspot that when clicked by the user will navigate the active host view (screen) to the screen defined in the associated TargetScreen property.


For readwrite/write fields only.  Using the FVYesNo custom control, will display a Checkbox in-place of the entry field on the web page.


The host screen values that relate to the checked/unchecked state are managed with the associated NoValue and YesValue properties.


Using the FVDate custom web control, will display a date entry field with a Calendar popup option.


A future enhancement will include a date format in Studio for this option, for now, if you do not use the MM/dd/yy date format, the FVDate custom control provides a DateFormat property allowing customization to your host's date format, which you can change in Visual Studio's Design mode.


This utilizes the free calendar javascript from Matt Kruse:


Special setting for labels that precede a trigger or flag entry field.  A trigger field is used in some systems as a landing place for the cursor so that the user can position the cursor and press enter to update the adjacent field, or press F1 for help on the field.


A HyperLink label will automatically hide the next field found in the active map and capture its name for generation of the ASP.NET label.


The Label will be generated with the event onmouseover="HpIn('targetFieldName')" which at runtime will call the javascript function HelpRO.MOver() which attaches a mouseout event handler to the label at if the mouse hovers over the label long enough, FVDispatch.aspx is loaded using AJAX techniques and the action of "HelpPopup" and a overlay DIV is displayed using the provided screen image.


This requires a custom method override in the [project]Task.cs module of the GetHelpPopup method (click for sample).


For standard Labels.


Will generate an FVRButtonList custom control that is a subclass of the ASP.NET RadioButtonList control class.


The FVRButtonList synchronizes with the host's field value at display to set the checked property on the correct radio button (based on the host field value), and on entry of the form, if the user has checked a different radiobutton, the host field will be updated accordingly.


The associated propertyListItems provides a collection editor so that you can set an initial set of radiobuttons for this host field.  Note that once the application as been generated, you can use the Visual Studio Web Page Designer to update the list collection.


Will generate an FVDisplay custom control, which will display the host field contents on the webpage, depending on the active host attributes and the settings for the DynamicAttribute and DynamicVisiblity properties.


For readwrite/write fields only.  Will generate an FVEntry custom control, which will display the host field contents as an Input type=text html form control on the webpage, depending on the active host attributes and the settings for the DynamicAttribute and DynamicVisiblity properties.


The associated property SelectionPopup is displayed, which when checked will cause the FVEntry control to display a small icon to the right of the field indicating that the user can display a popup list.  This is common on AS400 and other hosts that implemented the CUA '89 Function key 4 (F4) recommendations for the provision of a list.


For readwrite/write fields only.  Using the FVYesNo custom control, will display a pair of radio buttons in place of the entry field on the web page.


The host screen values that relate to the Yes / No values are managed with the associated NoValue and YesValue properties.