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Adding/Deleting Session Pools

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Adding a New Session Pool


Session pools are available for those configurations which include the .NET and COM API support classes, and where pooled sessions have been purchased (pooled sessions are treated differently than standard sessions in pricing).


Session pools enable multiple processes and transactions to share a single screen session in a very efficient manner.


To add a new Session Pool, click on the action icon for the Pools treeview line:




Then, click on the green plus icon or the text "Add a Pool Definition".


Pools have only one attribute besides the name, which you should change first--that is the Maximum Sessions, which can be used to limit the number of sessions allocated to the pool.


Deleting an Existing Pool


To delete an existing pool, find its entry in the treeview and click on its action icon (blue arrow) to display the delete popup menu.  Click on the delete (red X) icon to complete the deletion.