Thai Language, Graphical Printing for TN5250, New ASCII Terminal Type, Selective Redaction of Sensitive or Private Screen Data and Many Fixes and Enhancements
Inventu Viewer+ Base Product and Components
(Version: 6.0.52 January 15, 2022)
FlyServer Emulation Service
- Added Thai Language support with new codepage and translation logic including output in Trace files and console terminal emulation
- 3270 and 5250 Device printing will now support transparent SCS/PCL output being directed through a PCL-to-PDF solution as with existing ASCII protocols. In test with 5250 environments.
- 3270 Device printing improved to include TLS connected printers as well as better division of print jobs, suppression of an extra page at the end of a report and other fixes.
- Added support for a new terminal type, FPCWIN which is active in a number of legacy installations, including some major organizations. FPCWIN is used with the ABW terminal emulator in Alpha Base Metropolis DBA applications. This makes Inventu Viewer+ the only web terminal emulator that can connect to Alpha Base Metropolis applications with compatible colors, highlighting and user interface.
- For clustered servers in a load-balanced environment, a new configuration option will reply to Health-check requests with specific HTTP response codes (such as 503-busy) instead of a different text string. This provides far better compatibility and integration for most load balancers for purposes of putting the server on hold to enable maintenance in a 24x7x365 environment.
- Continued improvements in TLS handshaking to increase number of compatible host environments and supported levels up to 1.3
- When tracing to individual session files, printer sessions will now have their own trace file with a “P” appended to the file name root. This enables better reproduction in the Inventu development lab of any device printing issues.
- VT220+ keyboard handling, scrolling and other details were enhanced as well as compatibility for managing default 8-bit mode.
- Slight improvement in cursor handling in TN5250 environment where the host sets if the cursor should move or not on display of a screen
- Custom ASCII keys processing that reads the c:\program files\inventu\viewer\definitions\terminfo.txt file had a bug in regards to the ENTER (“cr”) and NEWLINE (“nel”) definitions. This affected terminal types “wyse50”, “wyse60” and “fpcwin”. The “nel” was being processed as the ENTER while the “cr” was not processed. This resulted in the typical NEL of CRLF (carriage return & line feed) being sent for each enter key. Fixed in this release, the “nel” is [newline] and the “cr” is [enter] as it should be.
FVTerm Web Terminal Emulation
- Added 2 new Fonts – IBMPlex Mono and Thai Tlwg Typist (for support of Thai codepage sessions).
- Javascript support for TN3270 enhanced colors inside entry fields integrated with the core enhancements in ViewerLib API to deliver support for colorized text without attribute bytes. For mainframe programmers working with colorized languages in the ISPF editor, these now display with syntax-based colors instead of simply yellow.
- Device Print jobs were not always printing when ready—which would bunch multiple print jobs together.
- Device Print Jobs that were delivered faster than the user requested a print or save-as-PDF were getting lost due to the same printing iframe being re-used by new jobs.
- The Thai language was added as a selectable language for the web client for prompts, messages and other client-side UI elements.
- If the new Clipboard Copy Mouse Activation is set true holding the left mouse button down for ½ second will activate the yellow crosshair cursor for drawing a box and copying a rectangle’s contents to the clipboard.
- When using Windows Security and a domain-joined server, some Client-Side Macro definitions were breaking the display of available macros due to an un-escaped backslash in the macro location. Fixed in this release.
- ASCII terminal types data entry broke when the “[“ (left square bracket) was entered, as this was being interpreted as the start of a keyboard mnemonic like “[tab]”. Now fixed.
- Added support for the FPCWin protocol environment, including clickable line 25 status area.
- Fixed a regression that was preventing the userid from being passed in the terminal start URL.
- Two security issues were addressed in FVTerm executables related to older versions of Internet Explorer being vulnerable to an “echo back” of large posted values containing script.
- The Reset Keys in the Settings was not clearing individual user’s keyboard overrides, making it difficult to reset when the defaults were updated.
- Input fields in TN5250 and TN3270 environments that extended past one row (multi-row input field) were not having blanks properly stripped at entry time. One issue that was highlighted by this bug was entering a command on the 3270 “Tubes” multi-LPAR switching screen-the command would only work if all blanks were manually removed in the web browser prior to pressing enter.
- Added two new ASCII CSS files specifically for fpcwin – SCStyleFP.css (gray) and SCStyFPBlk.css (black).
- Keyboard handler in Javascript was ignoring Unicode characters with values above normal ASCII range making data entry only possible with the clipboard.
- In some field situations, a data entry error message was hidden partially by any other entry fields immediately below the field with a keying error (such as “numeric entries only”). Fixed in this release.
- The BtnConnect tray icon was not registered in an internal list for tracking which icons had been hidden in the configuration for a View – this prevented the BtnConnect from being hidden when desired. Fixed in this release.
InventuSSO Connection Framework
- Guaranteed Logoff Scripting: added integration with the new FlyServer-to-FVTerm session close event framework. If a Host definition includes a Screen that defines a WhenState=Logoff, any host sessions started will be registered with the FlyServer service for assured execution of the Logoff script at disconnect time.
- Updated the DisconnectingEx method to support setting-up and calling the script execution engine with the state set to “Logoff” if the active host has any WhenState=Logoff sections.
- Added a new setting for the Host definition: MaximumLogoffScreens which provides the ability to control how many screens will be processed during a Logoff script. This avoids potential runaway scripting that is stuck on a single screen while trying to logoff.
- Selective Screen Data Redaction: Added new support for utilizing InventuSSO to manage redaction of specific screen data based on the active state. The Redact action can specify a number of different redactions based on screen row and column (field based or length based), label or data text search, rectangular area or regular expression search. Redaction can be specified at any time. A simple example is to redact any Social Security Number displayed while the redact state is active. The redact state and target filter set can be set at the start of a session based on the device type or user security profile.
- Added a new global setting, RedactionCharacter, which allows setting the character used when redacting screen data. Default is a blank but can use this to set as an asterisk, for example.
- Added a new session variable “MobileDeviceActive” which is set to “true” by the framework if the connected device is a phone or tablet. Example is to activate a redaction state if the user’s session is on a mobile device.
- When a session ended, the internal tracking dictionary was not cleaning-out the session’s values, causing a small memory leak in the FVTerm v4.0 Application Pool process
- For dynamic Device ID generation (based on userid adding integer) there were problems with re-use of numbers so that the counter for a userid was growing when it should not. This has been rewritten for better reliability.
ViewerLib API
- Added support for TN3270 Enhanced non-space-occupying color attributes inside of entry fields. Prior releases supported 3270 color changes in protected (non-entry) fields but not in entry fields.
- Extended the HostConnection.startDevicePrinter method with an additional environment variables parameter. This enables the FVTerm application to specify many optional telnet printing handshake values supported by the IBMi/AS400 operating system. These values are managed for each Profile with new configuration settings when the device printing feature is licensed. This is necessary to support graphic print merging supported by Host on Demand and IBM Personal Communication terminal emulators.
- Added a new HostConnection String Property: hostTerminalType which will provide to the caller the active terminal type used for the active session.
- Added a new HostConnection static event handler: sessionEvent which is a standard .NET event that can be subscribed to. A session event calls a method with a single parameter of SessionEventArgs class object which is has a string property “type” and string property “sessionKey” for the session that the event applies to. At this time “closing” is the only type driving any events, but now that this pathway for system-level events is in-place, additional event types may be implemented in the future.
- Added a new HostConnection session property: needCloseEvent which controls if a service-caused session close (timeout or administrator action) will trigger an event in the active client such as the FVTerm application. Set to true to ensure a close event, then set to false once any logoff activity has completed and it is time to truly close the session.
- Added a new HostConnection static method: ClearServiceEvents() which should be used at shutdown of a process that has subscribed to the HostConnection.sessionEvent. This is needed to cleanup tracking structures in the FlyService process for each process that has registered for session events.
- Added new static method to HostConnection – FindSessionDeviceID which will return the sessionKey of any active session with the provided DeviceID/LUName.
- Minor enhancement to the streaming HTTP protocol for screens to reduce the size of packets sent for 3270 enhanced color attributes.
Configuration Admin Web Page
- Added CP1160 (Thai) as a code page for 5250 and 3270 hosts and profiles
- Added “IBMPlex Mono” and “Tlwg Typist” as new options for default font on a profile.
- Added new Clipboard Copy Mouse Activation option for Profiles under User Interface.
- For clustered servers, a new Web Server page advanced setting “Server Unavailable Response Code” has been added. This controls the behavior of the “FVHealth.aspx” URL used for load balancer inquiries. The default is 200: Text sent with Status–which is HTTP OK and has been the existing behavior; this option returns status as text information and requires a load balancer to parse/search the text. A preferred option for most load balancers is the new code 503: Server is Busy, which has far better compatibility and reliability than the returned text string.
- For ASCII connections, a new terminal type “Flip PC Terminal” has been added which has a terminal type of “fpcwin” matching the emulation of the ABW Terminal Emulator for in Alpha Base Metropolis DBA applications.
- For ASCII terminal types, the Profile and Host definitions will now offer control of the default “bit” level for VT220+ terminal types. The default has been 7 bits but in some environments the default should be 8 bits so the “For VT220+ initialize protocol in 8Bit mode” Boolean value can now be checked. Note that new ASCII connections with VT220+ types will have 8 bit mode checked automatically when these types are selected.
- For ASCII terminal types, only a web.config setting was properly supporting “Click Terminal Command” which supports the web client being able to click in the terminal area and have the row/column coordinates sent to the host (when supported). The Profile setting for this is now integrated as well as having been enhanced to support new row/column types for the FPCWIN terminal type.
- A new checkbox “Keep Alive on Browser Close” will prevent a session being stopped when the client closes a browser or browser tab without explicitly closing the session with the icon. This is for environments where the durability of user sessions is more important than freeing-up unused sessions.
- For ASCII terminal types, the “bell” protocol character currently plays the “alarm.mp3” file found in the FVTerm folder. In the Advanced Profile section administrators can now control with the “Bell Sound File” property. The name of the mp3 file for a particular profile can be changed as well as a new option by simply setting the file name to “silent” which will prevent any sound when a bell is received on an active session.
- For TN5250 profiles when the Printing Feature is licensed, a new setting “5250 Printer Environment Variables” is now available, including a modal dialog editor for setting a number of optional TN5250 telnet handshake environment variables. These include IBMMSGQNAME, IBMMSGQLIB, IBMFONT, IBMTRANSFORM, IBMMFRTYPMDL, IBMPPRSRC1, IBMASCII899, IBMWSCSTNAME and IBMWSCSTLIB.
- For TN5250 and TN3270 connections an additional Thai Codepage has been added—“CP838 (Thai)” added to existing CP1160 (Thai) which is CP838 with Euro.
Recorder 2.0
- The Recording Viewer has added a new modeless dialog: “Developer Assists” which initially supports generating Recog statements and Redact actions for the InventuSSO scripting. When the Developer Assists dialog is open, each selection with the mouse in an active screen will send the parameters of the mouse swipe to the dialog and generate a number of statements based on the location (row & column) and other attributes of the swipe.
Installer IVSetup64.exe
- During installation the FVTerm web.config will have the new IBMPlex Mono and Tlwg Typist fonts added if not defined.
- During installation the FVTerm web.config will now have clientCache settings to improve network performance by avoiding browser requests for static content already cached.
- For new installations, added the new fonts and the cache settings to the default installed web.config
- Added new CSS files for FPCWin terminal emulation
- On new installation will now activate the Windows Component IIS Integrated Windows Authentication to avoid issues when administrators select this in the configuration page without the Windows Security available…
- The distributed web.config now has a security exclusion for the FVHealth.aspx page so that a load balancer can access without credentials or security logon.
Original Recorder and Viewer
- The original screen recorder and recording viewer (loaded from the Admin Console) has not been updated for a long time. Since the underlying Internet Explorer engine has changed that it utilizes as an HTA application, it has a number of issues. Many have been mitigated in this release but the Recorder 2.0 is still recommended for both recording and viewing recordings.