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Configuring TLS Inventu Viewer Console Access with STunnel

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Configuring STunnel

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With current versions, STunnel configuration is controlled by the file c:\program files (x86)\STunnel\config\stunnel.conf


To simplify use of STunnel with the Inventu Viewer console port, we provide a pre-edited sample .conf file based on the distributed version.  We recommend that you download this file after renaming the distributed file.  The distributed file includes additional examples for using STunnel for other uses besides a client-to-server SSL tunnel.




The Inventu sample stunnel.conf file can be downloaded in a zip file from:




Save the contained stunnel.conf to the c:\program files (x86)\STunnel\config installation folder

You are free to edit with Notepad or another editor--there is a debugging option for use during testing.  Here is the section controlling the TLS front-end to the console port:


; TLS front-end for Local Console port


accept  = 2382        

connect = 82

cert = stunnel.pem



Note that the TLS port here is 2382 -- you can change to any port that fits your organization's standards if this isn't appropriate.  The certificate stunnel.pem was created during installation and is a "self-signed" certificate.  The FVMMC console is setup to accept the self-signed certificate without error, so the address of the server isn't an issue like it is for HTTPS web server certificates.


 Next Step: Testing connecting from FVMMC to the TLS Console port